Enabling Remote Care for Corporate ECPs

Enabling Tele-optometry

Heru integrates seamlessly within both internal corporate telehealth initiatives and through our remote care partnerships. Learn more how we can help enable and grow your remote care practices. 

Connecting Communities through Remote Eye Care

Access to care for patients is a core value at Heru. In both rural communities and health deserts, optometrists are in short supply as demands on our healthcare system increase from an aging population. Remote care has enabled our Corporate Eye Care Partners to address this immense need for quality eye care. Learn more about how Heru is enabling this access and efficiency with our tele-optometry enabled Heru Prime solution. 

Connected. Community. Care.

Benefits of Remote Eye Care

Doctor Productivity

We have seen up to a 37% doctor productivity increase from our partners working in remote care settings.

Ensure Consistency

Heru virtual guide enables proper fit and patient compliance. Our EyeStream™ technology reduces re-testing.

Access for Patients

Patients deserve the option for quality eye care, regardless of where they live. We enable a high quality of care.

Standardized Reports

Take the guesswork out of manual pretesting with standardized reporting that matches the standard of care.

Remote Care

Heru Prime delivers on enabling tele-optometry initiatives through increasing patient capacity, increasing doctor productivity, and standardizing manual pretesting. 

Learn how Heru Prime can accelerate Your Corporate tele-optometry programs.